Art and Thoughts of Jenna

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Beginning

Ok starting this blog was a lot easier than setting up my own website, which I just spent several hours not doing. That will get done at some point I hope. Soon I'll have to figure out how to post photos of my paintings. for now I'll just express a few thoughts. hmmmmm. All this is new stuff to me. I was going to go out tonight and play pool with Bill, but then I suddenly got nauseous and ... wait I don't want to write about that here. But that's why I've been spending the last several hours on the computer and decided to set up my own website because I want to expose myself -- well actually I want to expose my paintings. Then I got distracted by reading some artist's blogs, and decided I'd try to start one too. Here it is. Bill and I play pool every night somewhere, it's an obsession with me. The other obsession I have is painting. I feel like I have to paint every day or things just aren't right. Often my paintings aren't just right either but the feeling I have while I am doing them is.


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